Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bug Zone!

 Addi attended VBS last week.  She was soooooo excited.  The theme was Bug Zone.  On Friday night, we went to watch her perform for Family Night.  I am so glad I had my video 
camera ready...omg, she is a little ham.

This is Anslee, the teenager that helped in her room.  Such a cute girl and Addi just loved her.

 Oh, and the BEST part (I am being totally sarcastic here) was...they gave every single kid a GOLDFISH in a ziplock bag to take home.  Uggghhhh.  It costs us almost 20 bucks within minutes because of course we had to run to Walmart to get fish stuff.  Keith got "Broccoli" all set up and by Saturday morning the bowl was cloudy and stinky. GROSS! (Is it considered murder to flush a goldfish????)

Here is the video of Addi performing.  I really think that she thought everyone was there to see her. Just click on it Enjoy!.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Fantastically Fun Filled Fourth!

 Goodness....we know how to pack it in!  We were literally celebrating for over 12 hours!!  we started our day at the parade in Douglasville.  Addi has been telling me for weeks that she wants to go to a parade and see trumpets and marchers.  So, I was so excited to take her.  She did see trumpets and marchers....and every last person who ever even thought of running for office in Douglas County.  They were there in all their glory.

 This is pretty much how Drew entertained himself during the parade.  He has seen one too many hometown parades, I think.

 After the parade was (finally) over...we went to Stars and Strikes.  They were offering free bowling to everyone so we took them up on it.  Here is my token pic of Greg. He NEVER EVER wears red, white and blue on the 4th and we always make fun of him for it.  I don't think he cares though.

 Bowling gave us quite an appetite so we all met at On The Border for lunch/dinner.  We picked up a few more stragglers along the way (Dad, Shirley, Jess and Michael).

 Next, we hit Marietta Square where it started raining and we were afraid the night would be over before we got to see fireworks.  But it quickly dried up and it also cooled down the night so it was awesome.  The kids played.......

 and snacked.......

 .........and did sparklers

and waited.......

until finally, the night sky lit up.  What a fun day!

Thursday, July 5, 2012