Monday, November 7, 2011

Reading Paws

When I was at the library with Addi for her weekly story time...I noticed a sign up sheet for Reading Paws. This is a program where kids sign up to come to the library and read to a therapy dog. This is beneficial to the dog (helps to socialize them) and the kids (improves reading skills). As soon as I saw this, I knew that Drew would LOVE this. I signed him up for a Saturday a few weeks away.

When we arrived, we got the pleasure of meeting Lucy. She was so cute! Drew had picked out a book so he started reading to her. As soon as he did, Lucy promptly yawned, laid her head down and was fast asleep. It was so funny! The handler kept trying to wake her up but she wasn't having it......

....until she was offered a marshmallow. She came to life immediately. Funny!

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