Monday, May 10, 2010

The "Hemlock Maneuver"

Jackie and I decided that we wanted to spend Mother's Day kinda by ourselves. We invited Taylor and Shannon to go with us, but no little kids. Ha! I know that is sort of anti-American but since our mom passed away, it is a bittersweet holiday so we choose to spend it like this! Since having Addi, I really don't get to go to the movies like I want to, so I suggested a movie that I had seen previews for......... "The Back Up Plan". So that is what we went to see. If you haven't seen it yet...RUN, don't walk to the nearest theater. OMG! It was hilarious!!! We laughed and laughed!
After the movie, we met my dad and Shirley at the Cheesecake Factory! Yummy! We didn't get together for Shirley's birthday a few weeks ago so we combined that with Mother's day! She loved her gifts!
Here is the whole gang! L to R: Dad, Jackie, Shirley, Taylor, me, Shannon.

The cousins.....Taylor & Shannon.
We did have a tiny bit of excitement. Just a tiny bit. I was talking and eating Buffalo Blasts (very spicy with buffalo sauce) at the same time and something went down the wrong way! I was choking for a minute but because of the spicy buffalo eyes started watering. I got up from the table just to stand for a minute and get my breath back. My dad freaked and jumped up and started doing the Heimlich on me. Everyone at the table was laughing (Jackie said it was nervous laughter.....but I could have been dying) and all of the people at the surrounding tables were staring...not sure if I was going to pass out right before their eyes (or possibly eject a piece of food at them). In a minute, I was fine and we all settled back down to finish our meal peacefully....well, until Taylor spilled her strawberry lemonade all over Shirley and her salad. My dad said he had no choice but to perform the "Hemlock
Maneuver" on me!
Disclaimer: This picture is a re-enactment and no ribs were broken in the process of taking it.


mmullenix said...

Glad everything worked out okay - lol! Thanks for the movie recommendation. I'll have to lure Mel to the movies :)

Karen said...

Oh my... you always have a good story to tell! Thanks for the laugh.