Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Way Back When-esday!

Ok, since I am (finally) going to a scrapbook retreat this weekend......I dug out an old pic from another time, at another scrapbook weekend. I tell ya...there have been so many. I could tell you soooo many stories, just thinking of some of them....make me crack up. It's not all about scrapbooking ya know (don't tell Keith that). We laugh, eat, shop, stay up all night, act silly and, yes we do get a few projects done on occasion!
This picture was taken in May 2009, not long after Addison was born. I was so happy to get out of the house and go! Michelle and I were so delirious at this point that we started making up our own games. This game was called "Who here has the smallest butt (or was it the biggest)??? LOL Anyway, for some odd reason they were comparing butt sizes and Michelle was the judge in charge of deciding! In this picture she is getting the vote from the crowd (which, thank goodness...that's where I was).
I miss those days. I am hoping that when I get back after this weekend...I will have found my mojo and can start scrapping again. Drew informed me the other day that when he grows up...he wants ALL of his life in scrapbooks to show his kids..... not just up to age 9 (ha...I wish I was up to age 9....I am that far behind)!!
If you don't hear back from me (I am busy packing).....have a great weekend!!

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